(This post of "Reflections" published Jan. 2nd, 2023 and not Dec. 13, 2022 as it says above)
2022 was an excellent year for many small business's just starting out and ones that have been around a long time including us. (2 years Jan. 1st 2021) YES, we are a very sad business to be in...where individuals have many types of pets ranging from the smallest such as a mouse, gerbal, birds, tiny snake, bunnies, then to small goats, a mini alpaca, and a very large great dane (155 lbs) to everything in between whole "lotta" dogs and cats. People would call, sometimes for the first time of ever having a pet cross that famous rainbow bridge... and to decide what to do with their pet, and when they do decide to come to us they are sad and crying while they say their goodbyes to their loved one. We help them decide if they want a custom ash container, and MANY do decide to have a memorial made for their beloved pet (see pictures below) we also offer clean, clear pawprints and various keepsakes, including a tail that was sent out to a taxidermist. (there is only one that we found that will work with domestic pets) Customers are welcome to stay as long as needed and reminisqe the life they shared with their pet and tell us their stories. When the customers leave, most are smiling and laughing, yes they are still sad, but we were able to help them thru (I think) the worst part of the grieving process.
Hi, Im Tracie...Your customer service specialist!
Specializing in various custom ash containers (pet urns)
Below is just 3 of the various custom made ash containers...from ceramic, wood and lanterns and so many more to choose from.
Enjoy! go to the galleries to see all of them I have made over the past 2 years and also check out the other pets that we honored on the non-ash-container page.